
July 2024

May 23, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — Mark Baker @ 5:49 pm

I’m pleased to announce that Stuart Charlton and I have had our tutorial proposal for OOPSLA ’07 accepted. Our topic, as you can probably guess, is REST and the Web, and the (working) title is The Web: Distributed Objects Realized! We’ll be talking about REST and the Web of course, including why REST was initially called the “HTTP Object Model”.

See you in Montreal!

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October 10, 2006

We’re back!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mark Baker @ 8:47 pm

Coactus is back!

We’re currently running at about 50-60% capacity, so the kind of work we can take on is somewhat limited, but not too much so. Anything that doesn’t involve travel assignments longer than a week would be fine.

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January 19, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — Mark Baker @ 3:06 pm

Unfortunately, for personal reasons I have to put Coactus on hiatus, for at least a couple of years. I’m now actively seeking employment.

I’ll keep this site around indefinitely, but I haven’t decided if I’ll keep posting to this blog. We’ll see. You can always follow my personal blog.

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December 1, 2005

The Service Oriented Web

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mark Baker @ 12:23 pm

… is the title of a
presentation I crafted – ably presented by Makoto Murata in Japan last week – about how the Web is already a platform for network based services, without the “help” of Web services related specifications.

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September 6, 2005

Bay Area visit

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mark Baker @ 4:34 pm

I’ll be down in the Bay Area for a few days, arriving next
Wednesday, September 14th.

On the 14th, I’ll be attending (though arriving late) the
SDForum “Web Based Architectures: Where do we go from here?” in Palo Alto. The next day, I might (still working it out) be giving a talk at CommerceNet on (working title), “RESTful advice for AJAX developers”. The following week, I’m at
Oracle OpenWorld at Moscone, for a client. I return the morning of the 23rd.

Please feel free to drop me a line if you’d like to get together to talk integration.

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July 14, 2005

Indigo supports REST

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mark Baker @ 9:27 pm

Dare Obasanjo reports
that Indigo will include support for RESTful service development! A very welcome move indeed.

It will be interesting to see how the APIs deal with specs such as SOAP and WS-Addressing which can be used RESTfully and non-RESTfully. It seems to me that the worst thing that could happen for developers, would be to have two completely independent API packages with little or no significant overlap; a message is a message, after all.

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July 5, 2005

Planet Web 2.0

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mark Baker @ 1:57 pm

Coactus is honoured that its weblog has been chosen to be integrated into the Planet Web 2.0 feed. Thanks to Ian Davis for his good taste in content. 8-)

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June 1, 2005

Welcome to the Coactus weblog

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mark Baker @ 4:32 pm

The Coactus weblog is now up on running on the able WordPress platform. I’m quite impressed with WordPress so far in terms of features, ease of use, and extensibility. If only it used POST for actions with side-effects, and left GET for retrievals, then I’d be able to give it my RESTful stamp of approval!

I’m still working on trying to bridge the world of custom style sheets and WordPress themes to give the blog the look-and-feel of the rest of the site. Until then, it’s probably best to stick to the RSS/Atom feed. 8-)

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